Are you getting unwanted calls? You can do a standard search where you enter the name or business category, followed by the city, state or zip code.
In most cases you only get information, such as phone provider, location, and so forth unless you use a paid service. The directories can search nationwide using nothing but a phone number, and they'll deliver your results in just seconds. Although you are suspicious about the mysterious number, confronting your spouse about it might create more problems.
You will get the street address, city, state, zip code, and even email address. Your information is being bought, sold, and shared between companies and government agencies every day, all the time. Though you may already know this if it is a local number, it can be helpful when the area code is unfamiliar.
Cell numbers are typically harder to track down and you won't find them in a free service. You get detailed information, which makes it worth the cost.
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